Saturday, September 18, 2010
New Blog
Blog yang ini mungkin udah gak akan aktif lagi karena error, jadi kalo tetep mau baca postingan saya , bisa klik dan follow blog baru saya di
Jangan lupa buat baca Prolog Fanfic baru aku and Vira yaitu IT'S LIFE!!
coming soon , wait on my blog , and wait on Vira Facebook Profile.
Salam YL :D
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Pet Society dan yang lainnya
Pertanyaannya adalah ----> Dapet Playfish Cash itu dari mana ya? to gimana caranya dapetin itu?
OMG!!! Gw ngiri banget sama yang bisa beli barang-barang pake playfish cash itu.
Katanya harus pake PayPal dan sebagainya ya? Kok ada yang bilang pake pulsa? maksudnya apa ya?
Bodo amat deh!!
alasan gw mau nanya itu karena ------------->
1.Penasaran abis! sama barang-barang yang pake PFCash itu.
2.Pet gw itu miskin abis!
3.Yang punya PFCash bikin gw jealous.
4.Banyak barang bagus yang pake PFCash, so pasti gw pengen beli.
5.Gw ngiri sama temen petsos gw yang pamer barang-barang PFCashnya! *kesel banget*
6.Bukan hanya di Pet Society , tapi di Restaurant City banyak barang bagus tapi kenapa pake PFCash.
7.Gw pingin banget sama CherryBlossom Tree di Restaurant City!!! Secara gitu restaurant gw itu nuansa Jepang, jadi harus ada yang menonjol diantara semua properti Jepangnya.
Udah ngerti kan kenapa gw kepengen tau?
Please hubungin gw di :
Facebook : Sarah Vernanda サラー
Twitter : @YoshiokaClan
Formspring: SarahVernanda
atau komen di postingan ini!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My Blog (2010.07.06) - I do it!
baru sempet nulis sekarang nih.
Sambil dengerin YUI - I do it full version! keren banget!
Jangan lupa dengerin preview Shake My Heart & Cinnamon.
Blog sepi banget nih. Aku punya WordPress juga kok, mudah-mudahan gak sepi...
follow juga ya... di sini , tapi ini pake e-mail yang baru.
Jyaa Nee!! ^_^
Friday, July 2, 2010
My Blog (2010.07.02) - YUI-SAMA
Hehehe...udah on air toh?
Maap-maap saya gak tau kalo udah mulai.
Oke, lupain aja.
Hari ini saya mau berdongeng anak-anak. *plakk*
Bercanda kok.
Minna udah liat PSWM PV belum? . Pasti udah ya. Bagus deh kalo gitu.
Gimana pendapatnya? . YUInya cantik kan?. Hehe, pasti dong.
Yap! begitu liat PV nya bisa disimpulkan bahwa saya lebih suka YUI dengan rambut panjangnya.
"Kawaii" ~ ...!
(penjelasan : "Kawaii" adalah bahasa jepang , yang dalam arti bahasa indonesianya Imut)
Udah ngerti kan "Kawaii" itu apa? Kalo gak ngerti kebangetan! Hehe.
Kembali ke topik, Mau liat yang dibilang kawaii? Mau? Mau? ... Hanya Di 3 (three) *plakk*
Oke , serius , ini superduperimutkawaiicantikkerenbanget *panjang amat*
ini lah......................................................................................................................
yang kawaii................................................................................................................
Kawaii kan?
Sekian ya Minna-san
Jyaa Nee!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
My Blog (2010.07.01) - It's a Happy July!
Gak nyangka nih , udah july aja..
Makin deket sama perilisan album ke-5 YUI yang berjudul HOLIDAYS IN THE SUN.
Dan makin banyak lagu-lagu baru yang keluar. Karena moodnya lagi happy , jadi kita ngomongin yang happy-happy aja.
First Topic : I do it (preview)
Gile, udah pada dengerin blum. Gak nyangka loh. Lagunya bisa jadi lebih nge-rock dari yang biasanya.
Keren abis lah pokoknya.:D
Second Topic: PSWM PV (preview)
YUInya cantik banget!!! sumpah. Di PVnya YUI lagi nyusun puzzle. OMG!! cantik banget.^_^
Third Topic: I Miss Angelie
Setelah lama gak ngobrol , aku bisa kangen-kangenan lagi sama Angelie-Chan . Waaa... mudah-mudahan moodnya cepet baik ya, biar bisa OL lagi. Banyak yang kangen tuh. Kamu kan kaya artis di facebook.^_^
Fouth Topic: Blog dipuji
Makasi banget buat Andry yang udah muji blog aku.Oh iya sama Ferdy-San juga... Hehe ... Padahal ini ancur-ancuran loh. ^_^
Fifth Topic: YUILovers
Yak! ini lah topik utamanya , setelah saya chatting sama Ferdy-San YL dari Bandung. Saya makin menyadari kalo YL itu gokil-gokil abis!!! Gak salah saya jadi YL! Bangga deh. Haha...Pokoknya saya berjanji............................................................................................................................................
I ALWAYS BE A YUILovers!! ^_^
sekian ya Minna-San...
Sayounara... ^_^
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
My Blog (2010.06.30) - Special Tweets YUI
Moodnya ternyata baik lagi lho.Makanya mau nge-post .
Topik hari ini adalah "Special #100 tweets about YUI"
(penjelasan: "Special #100 tweets about YUI" adalah menulis 100 tweets tentang YUI . Contoh : I Love YUI #1 hingga I Love YUI #100 atau lebih. Tapi jika lebih, namanya bukan "Special #100 tweets".)
Kenapa saya membuat "Special #100 tweets about YUI" ?
Karena ini hadiah bahwa YUI akan merilis album lagi.
Maksudnya , saya kangen YUI ngerilis album lagi . Makanya saya buat "Special #100 tweets about YUI" waktu YUI mau rilis album tanggal 14 Juli 2010.
Sekarang saya lagi nulis "I always be #YUILovers" sebanyak mungkin. Siapa tau dapet rekor muri.
Hehe bo'ong deng. Sebenarnya saya mau YUI jadi #TrendTopics di twitter , supaya banyak orang yang kenal siapa itu YUI. Kalo kalian punya twitter tolong retweet ya. Di twitter ku : @YoshiokaClan .
Kita butuh bantuan, saya harap ada yang mau bantu.
Soalnya ini proyek butuh banyak orang. Onegashimasu~
Saya baru nulis "I always be #YUILovers" sampe #167 . Tolong dibantu retweet ya.
Please , nanti kalian yang udah bantuin aku mention deh, walaupun isinya cuma "Arigatou"
Jyaa, Itekimasu! :D
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
My Blog (2010.06.29) - I'm the BAKA!
Selagi mood untuk nulis blog, saya mau cerita tentang kebodohan saya.
Mau tau?
Baca aja post ini, oke?
Cerita dimulai dari saya keasyikan main game ...
Selalu, setiap hari...
Sampai saya gak tau apa-apa .
Sampe gak inget buka JpopAsia.
Padahal saya adalah admin yang harus update chart di grup facebook tiap minggunya~
Lupa bener-bener lupa.
Walaupun chartnya blum updated ,
tetep aja "baka" .
(penjelasan: "Baka" diambil dari bahasa jepang yang artinya "Bego")
Okay , back to story...
Lalu , saya juga gak tau kalo YUI-Kiss Me itu katanya udah ada previewnya.
Bego nggak? Bego kan?
Saya memang "baka"!
Apa boleh buat. Jadi bener-bener ketinggalan berita.
Tapi para YL belum pernah post message about the preview Kiss Me.
Ah...whatever deh.
Saya kesini , soalnya fb sepi, twit juga sepi.
Padahal disini juga sepi sih. Berharap ada blogger yang YL dan aktif terus di blognya.
Daripada cerita beginian yang udah gak karuan mendingan kita liat hammy-hammy kecilku yang kawaii~
Setelah melakukan sensus penduduk , Hehe.
Ada 6 hamster jantan dan 2 hamster betina yang dibesarkan oleh Mommy Yuki di kandang 3.
Saya masih menunggu hamster dikandang 2 cukup umur untuk di sensus bersama sang Mama Ichi.
Seperti biasa , dikandang 1 sering dihiasi dengan duel penyakar dan penggigit yang dijuarai oleh juara bertahan sang Bukki . Sementara 2 hamster lainnya, sang Immi dan Jitsu selalu kalah melawan Bukki.
Sekian minna~
besok kalo mood aku post lagi.
Jyaa, Itekimasu!
Sayounara. ^o^
Monday, June 28, 2010
My Blog (2010.06.28) - Say Ganbatte!!
Konban wa...
Aduh, aduh ...
Parah !
Mau tau parahnya kenapa?
Saya kalah dari musuh bebuyutan saya sendiri!!!
Oh~ No!!!!!
Si Hoek itu ngeselin amat sih.
Aduh , congrats buat Vira-Chan dan si Hoek-San itu.
Say Ganbatte for me!!!
Itekimasu!! :)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
My Blog (2010.06.27) - HOLIDAYS IN THE SUN
Happy Sunday.
Sore di hari minggu ini , masih menunggu rilisnya album ke-lima YUI yaitu, HOLIDAYS IN THE SUN.
Gak berubah , cuma ada Please Stay With Me, dan preview dari juga Parade yang sangat saya suka.
By the way, kalo diliat-liat itu mirip sama Again deh . Kalo Parade mirip sama Summer Song.
Tapi tetap saja saya suka Parade! Huahahaha~...= =" *lebay*
Kira-kira masih 2 minggu lebih 3 hari lagi !
Lama juga ya~
Sabar lah, orang sabar disayang YUI . = =" *gubrrakk*
Pengen denger juga YUI yang Cinnamon, Shake My Heart, Driving Happy Life, Kiss Me ,sama yang I do it.
Ngomong-ngomong "I do it" itu bukan yang lagunya STEREOPONY kan? *confused* = =a
Yah pokoknya semua saya tunggu !
Oke sudah ! Cukup sampai disini.
Itekimasu! ^o^
Friday, June 25, 2010
"Bincang-Bincang Gaje"
Minna,Minna . Ogenki desuka?
ketemu lagi sama saya yang gaje ini dalam acara "Bincang-Bincang Gaje"
Sorry kalau hari ini agak *OOT* alias Out Of Topic.
Pengen tanya-tanya nih sama YUILovers. Tapi gak tau mau nanya apaan . *pletak*
Nyanyi-Nyanyi gaje aja deh.
"aitai to ieba mata kurushimete shimau,namida afureru no ni my love,surechigau.tabi ni itoshikunatteyuku,Please stay with me..."
ngomong-ngomong itu lagu siapa ya? *plakk(dilempar mesin foto kopi sama YL)*
Sekali lagi saya minta maaf, karena memang topik hari ini adalah "GAJE SYNDROME"
*tuh kan? gaje lagi*
Hari ini saya akan memberi tips untuk menghilangkan "Gaje Syndrome" yang udah parah kaya saya.
Dijamin nanti bakalan sembuh kaya saya. *makin sembuh atau makin gaje*
Udah,udah ... to the point aja .
Nih Tipsnya :
Mana ya tadi tipsnya. Aduh lupa deh. *plaaakk*
Akhirnya setelah mencari selama 34 Tahun , saya menemukan tipsnya. (= =")
Tipsnya adalaahhh.............................................................
"Dengerin Lagu YUI"
"Banyak-banyak lah ngomong sama orang Gaje"
(nah lo? bukannya makin gaje ya?)
tentu tidak makin gaje, buktinya saya gak gaje tuh. *bohong banget*
(udah itu doang tipsnya?)
Ya iyalah, kalo bukan itu doang mah ane lanjutin kali.
Oke Lanjut!!!
Hari ini kita kedatangan bintang tamu , yaitu BlaBla-Chan *siapa tuh?*
mari kita berbincang-bincang dengan Blabla-Chan
"Yak, Cukup! Pembaca yang setia , tadi kita berbincang-bincang dengan bahasa blabla..." *emang ada?*
"...Sekian Pembaca , Sampai Jumpa di Bincang-Bincang Gaje selanjutnya! Itekimasu!"
"lalalalalala~ lalalalala~ tralala~ trilili~ ... lalala~" *musik penutup*
= ="a
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
(秋山 澪 Akiyama Mio,)
Seiyuu:Yoko Hikasa
Mio is a shy girl in the light music club who plays a left-handed, 3-Color Sunburst Fender Jazz Bass with an attached pickguard made out of tortoiseshell. She originally intended to join the literary club, but was forced into the light music club by her childhood friend and the club's drummer, Ritsu. She gets excellent grades in school, but is bad with listening to stories involving painful experiences, and cowers whenever something gross is brought up. While she can be mature and strict sometimes, she gets embarrased easily, and is often subject to teasing from Ritsu and Sawako, their club adviser. She cites that she chose bass since it is not the center of attention in the band, unlike the guitarist, though being the main vocalist somewhat negates this. Mio is more technical when it comes to music, and Yui often comes to her when she is in need of more guitar tutorials. She is the main vocalist in the group and also writes the songs, although they feature some odd lyrics like ''Light and Fluffy Time''. She is left-handed and is fascinated by other left-handed bass guitar players. Due to an unexpected accident in one of their live performances, and fan club for her is then formed, much to her dismay considering the circumstances surrounding it, whose founding member is the former student council president, who also stalks Mio.
(平沢 唯, Hirasawa Yui)
Seiyuu: Aki Toyosaki
Yui is the main character of K-On!. She is one of the members of the light music club, and plays a Cherry Sunburst Gibson Les Paul Standard electric guitar that she nicknames ''Giita''. She does not get good grades in school and is easily distracted by trivialities. Yui is clumsy and easily spaces out most of the time. She takes a huge liking for any kind of food, but admits that she does not gain any weight. She has her younger sister Ui to take care of her and keep herself in line. She has a very easy-going nature, but has incredible concentration when hyped, though this is only limited to one subject at a time. She will totally neglect any other things in the process, to the point of forgetting anything she has learned beforehand. Despite all of this, Yui is still devoted to her band and will practice hard enough for the club. She has perfect pitch and is one of the group's vocalists, although she is known to forget her lyrics in mid-performance, as well as overdoing things, making her unable to perform sometimes.
Seiyuu:Minako Kotobuki
Tsumugi, also known as Mugi, is a wealthy girl with a gentle and sweet personality. She is the third member of the light music club and plays the keyboard. Tsumugi has been playing the piano since she was four and has won various piano contests. She is the daughter of a company president, and her family has several villas in various places around Japan. When Yui goes to buy her guitar, Tsumugi is successfully able to drive down the price. She brings sweets and tea frequently and keeps a tea set at the club room. She originally intends to join the choir club, but joins the light music club instead since she would rather be "friends with fun people that you don't meet often".
(中野 梓Azusa Nakano)
Seiyuu: Ayana Taketatsu
Azusa is a new student who joins the light music club and plays a Fender Mustang electric guitar but she is also in possession of a Gibson Les Paul Custom 50th Anniversary Gold Top (as seen in episode 13). A self-proclaimed novice guitarist who has been playing the guitar since the fourth grade and whose parents are working in a jazz band. She is in the same year and class as Ui and has quite a mysterious demeanor. She often finds herself bewildered by the tea parties and cosplaying aspects of the club, when she would rather just practice and is curious on how the club is able to play so well despite their problems and lack of practice. However, she has a certain weakness for cakes and can be calmed down rather easily, sometimes by just being petted. She could be described in part as a tsundere. She is constantly hugged by Yui and is nicknamed Azu-nyan after trying on a pair of cat ears and meowing. In the band, she looks up to Mio the most due to her maturity and the fact that she is an experienced bassist. Since joining, Yui comes to her for advice on playing guitar, as well as maintenance.
(田井中 律 Tainaka Ritsu)
Seiyuu:Satomi Satou
Ritsu, or Ricchan, as nicknamed by Yui, is the president of the light music club and plays a yellow Yamaha Hipgig Drumset. She has an ambiguous yet upbeat personality, and often has trouble remembering important club activities and announcements, and gets constantly yelled at by Nodoka for forgetting to send in important forms. Ritsu is cheerful, often likes making jokes and is sarcastic most of the time. She usually brainstorms for ideas to earn more money and for the club's success. She says she chose to play the drums because they are "cool", but in reality, she has trouble playing instruments which involve intricate finger movements, such as the bass, guitar and keyboard. She is a childhood friend of Mio and will often tease her whenever she is cowering from something and has the opportunity to do so. Ritsu is always on the go and will stop at nothing for the success of the light music club.
Jyaa Nee!
~Waiting June 2nd -to Mother released- ^_^~
to me? why? sono te wo hanashite
tonight tonight tonight
get away motesou na hito ne?
awai awai kowai
murasaki iro ni hikaru easylight
suki ni narenai madogarasu no mukou
rainy blue
fun fun la la love...
fun fun love?
zenzen najimenai mama
atashi wa reisei ni naru
gomen ne sayonara
run away ukareta hito ne
tonight tonight tonight
bachigai mayoikonda no
itai? itai itai
sagashi mono wa nani?
hitori easy driver
kidzukarenai you ni
doa wo aketemiru closing time
fun fun la la love...
fun fun love?
I can't change I can't stop
yoake wo mattemiru hodo
sunao de mo nai
kyou wo iyasu tame no jikan na no?
ki ni naru no? yorimichi wa dekinai
fun fun la la love...
fun fun love?
zenzen najimenai mama
atashi wa reisei ni naru
fun fun la la love...
fun fun love?
I can't change I can't stop
yoake wo machi kirenai no
gomen ne sayonara
Monday, April 19, 2010
to Mother
datte anata itta janai
namidagoe utsumuita mama
uso mo tsukenakunattara
ikite yukenakunaruyo to
aisarete itai to omou kara
donna itami datte
waratte miseta ah ah
kanashimi tte
atashi hitori dake nara
kotaerareru no ni
yasashisa tte
zankoku yo ne?
kokoro made
midareru mono
zutto isshoni itai kedo
kirai na toko ga fueru hibi
nitamono doushi nanda yo ne?
wakaru you na ki mo shitteru
aishiaeru hito ga dekita no
sonna hi ga kureba
kawareru kana ah ah
shiawase tte
mahou mitai ni
kagaya itekurenai kedo
nikushimi tte
sasai na surechigai deshou?
taka ga unmei nante
kaete yukerun datte
uchi wo tobidashite yoru ni naita
dare mo inai kouen no benchi de
mukae ni kitekureru no wo matteita
kanashimi tte
yorisoeba toko to naku
yasashisa tte
soba ni areba fu to
amaete shimau mono
shiawase yo
anata ga
itan dakara
1. to Mother
2. Tonight
3. GLORIA ~YUI Acoustic Version~
4. to Mother ~Instrumental~
YUI new single "to Mother" was announced to release on February 6.
The title track of this work in 2010 and second piece, the numbers are impressive sound of the piano. YUI is "more of a chance these days that let me sing songs and cheer, this time, I was not thinking about writing my own thing, and cherish" more "to translate a title, the mother 』to be a mother, of course, in a broad sense, for everyone who would listen, seems』 great if you could listen to those feelings and feel repeatedly, "and comments are received.
The single is available in two forms of the Limited Edition and Regular Edition, the Limited Edition comes with a DVD. Details will be announced later.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
YUI Diary (2010.03.31) オモシロクナ~ル!
YUI Diary (2010.03.21)
Is probably empty, you know! (laugh)
Good evening!
Is everyone doing OK?
Today the weather was nice, and it felt good.
Recently, we’ve been doing a lot of recording!
The meaning of the rather abrupt title. if you are unsure,
since there are many things that come to mind,
There is a hint in the Staff Diary.
If you are interested, please take a look!
1st page: Feels like random scribbling.
2nd page: I was also like “????” when I saw it.
I must have unconsciously written that,
mysterious, but it can’t be helped~.
Furthermore, Naoki Sweets is amazing for being able to find this!
On this day, since I don’t remember running out to eat right away,
I wonder if just the one character could represent a simple
feeling of a “hunger for music”!
this is the kind of thing I do~ (not a good translation, but the closest I could get)
But, whatever, it doesn’t really matter! (laugh)
Let’s proceed relaxed and happy! (yurui literally means “loose/lenient”. I think she means laid back, not rushed….MAI PAASU)
dewa dewa,
Adeshoku (adieu+shoku) (shoku = meal)
P.S. “Icchi’s feeling” (“Guard Dog Feeling” (laugh)) picture and
What he brought in the day that Naoki Sweets-san overslept for the first time, sweet Sweets.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
New Blog
Blog yang ini mungkin udah gak akan aktif lagi karena error, jadi kalo tetep mau baca postingan saya , bisa klik dan follow blog baru saya di
Jangan lupa buat baca Prolog Fanfic baru aku and Vira yaitu IT'S LIFE!!
coming soon , wait on my blog , and wait on Vira Facebook Profile.
Salam YL :D
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Pet Society dan yang lainnya
Pertanyaannya adalah ----> Dapet Playfish Cash itu dari mana ya? to gimana caranya dapetin itu?
OMG!!! Gw ngiri banget sama yang bisa beli barang-barang pake playfish cash itu.
Katanya harus pake PayPal dan sebagainya ya? Kok ada yang bilang pake pulsa? maksudnya apa ya?
Bodo amat deh!!
alasan gw mau nanya itu karena ------------->
1.Penasaran abis! sama barang-barang yang pake PFCash itu.
2.Pet gw itu miskin abis!
3.Yang punya PFCash bikin gw jealous.
4.Banyak barang bagus yang pake PFCash, so pasti gw pengen beli.
5.Gw ngiri sama temen petsos gw yang pamer barang-barang PFCashnya! *kesel banget*
6.Bukan hanya di Pet Society , tapi di Restaurant City banyak barang bagus tapi kenapa pake PFCash.
7.Gw pingin banget sama CherryBlossom Tree di Restaurant City!!! Secara gitu restaurant gw itu nuansa Jepang, jadi harus ada yang menonjol diantara semua properti Jepangnya.
Udah ngerti kan kenapa gw kepengen tau?
Please hubungin gw di :
Facebook : Sarah Vernanda サラー
Twitter : @YoshiokaClan
Formspring: SarahVernanda
atau komen di postingan ini!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My Blog (2010.07.06) - I do it!
baru sempet nulis sekarang nih.
Sambil dengerin YUI - I do it full version! keren banget!
Jangan lupa dengerin preview Shake My Heart & Cinnamon.
Blog sepi banget nih. Aku punya WordPress juga kok, mudah-mudahan gak sepi...
follow juga ya... di sini , tapi ini pake e-mail yang baru.
Jyaa Nee!! ^_^
Friday, July 2, 2010
My Blog (2010.07.02) - YUI-SAMA
Hehehe...udah on air toh?
Maap-maap saya gak tau kalo udah mulai.
Oke, lupain aja.
Hari ini saya mau berdongeng anak-anak. *plakk*
Bercanda kok.
Minna udah liat PSWM PV belum? . Pasti udah ya. Bagus deh kalo gitu.
Gimana pendapatnya? . YUInya cantik kan?. Hehe, pasti dong.
Yap! begitu liat PV nya bisa disimpulkan bahwa saya lebih suka YUI dengan rambut panjangnya.
"Kawaii" ~ ...!
(penjelasan : "Kawaii" adalah bahasa jepang , yang dalam arti bahasa indonesianya Imut)
Udah ngerti kan "Kawaii" itu apa? Kalo gak ngerti kebangetan! Hehe.
Kembali ke topik, Mau liat yang dibilang kawaii? Mau? Mau? ... Hanya Di 3 (three) *plakk*
Oke , serius , ini superduperimutkawaiicantikkerenbanget *panjang amat*
ini lah......................................................................................................................
yang kawaii................................................................................................................
Kawaii kan?
Sekian ya Minna-san
Jyaa Nee!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
My Blog (2010.07.01) - It's a Happy July!
Gak nyangka nih , udah july aja..
Makin deket sama perilisan album ke-5 YUI yang berjudul HOLIDAYS IN THE SUN.
Dan makin banyak lagu-lagu baru yang keluar. Karena moodnya lagi happy , jadi kita ngomongin yang happy-happy aja.
First Topic : I do it (preview)
Gile, udah pada dengerin blum. Gak nyangka loh. Lagunya bisa jadi lebih nge-rock dari yang biasanya.
Keren abis lah pokoknya.:D
Second Topic: PSWM PV (preview)
YUInya cantik banget!!! sumpah. Di PVnya YUI lagi nyusun puzzle. OMG!! cantik banget.^_^
Third Topic: I Miss Angelie
Setelah lama gak ngobrol , aku bisa kangen-kangenan lagi sama Angelie-Chan . Waaa... mudah-mudahan moodnya cepet baik ya, biar bisa OL lagi. Banyak yang kangen tuh. Kamu kan kaya artis di facebook.^_^
Fouth Topic: Blog dipuji
Makasi banget buat Andry yang udah muji blog aku.Oh iya sama Ferdy-San juga... Hehe ... Padahal ini ancur-ancuran loh. ^_^
Fifth Topic: YUILovers
Yak! ini lah topik utamanya , setelah saya chatting sama Ferdy-San YL dari Bandung. Saya makin menyadari kalo YL itu gokil-gokil abis!!! Gak salah saya jadi YL! Bangga deh. Haha...Pokoknya saya berjanji............................................................................................................................................
I ALWAYS BE A YUILovers!! ^_^
sekian ya Minna-San...
Sayounara... ^_^
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
My Blog (2010.06.30) - Special Tweets YUI
Moodnya ternyata baik lagi lho.Makanya mau nge-post .
Topik hari ini adalah "Special #100 tweets about YUI"
(penjelasan: "Special #100 tweets about YUI" adalah menulis 100 tweets tentang YUI . Contoh : I Love YUI #1 hingga I Love YUI #100 atau lebih. Tapi jika lebih, namanya bukan "Special #100 tweets".)
Kenapa saya membuat "Special #100 tweets about YUI" ?
Karena ini hadiah bahwa YUI akan merilis album lagi.
Maksudnya , saya kangen YUI ngerilis album lagi . Makanya saya buat "Special #100 tweets about YUI" waktu YUI mau rilis album tanggal 14 Juli 2010.
Sekarang saya lagi nulis "I always be #YUILovers" sebanyak mungkin. Siapa tau dapet rekor muri.
Hehe bo'ong deng. Sebenarnya saya mau YUI jadi #TrendTopics di twitter , supaya banyak orang yang kenal siapa itu YUI. Kalo kalian punya twitter tolong retweet ya. Di twitter ku : @YoshiokaClan .
Kita butuh bantuan, saya harap ada yang mau bantu.
Soalnya ini proyek butuh banyak orang. Onegashimasu~
Saya baru nulis "I always be #YUILovers" sampe #167 . Tolong dibantu retweet ya.
Please , nanti kalian yang udah bantuin aku mention deh, walaupun isinya cuma "Arigatou"
Jyaa, Itekimasu! :D
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
My Blog (2010.06.29) - I'm the BAKA!
Selagi mood untuk nulis blog, saya mau cerita tentang kebodohan saya.
Mau tau?
Baca aja post ini, oke?
Cerita dimulai dari saya keasyikan main game ...
Selalu, setiap hari...
Sampai saya gak tau apa-apa .
Sampe gak inget buka JpopAsia.
Padahal saya adalah admin yang harus update chart di grup facebook tiap minggunya~
Lupa bener-bener lupa.
Walaupun chartnya blum updated ,
tetep aja "baka" .
(penjelasan: "Baka" diambil dari bahasa jepang yang artinya "Bego")
Okay , back to story...
Lalu , saya juga gak tau kalo YUI-Kiss Me itu katanya udah ada previewnya.
Bego nggak? Bego kan?
Saya memang "baka"!
Apa boleh buat. Jadi bener-bener ketinggalan berita.
Tapi para YL belum pernah post message about the preview Kiss Me.
Ah...whatever deh.
Saya kesini , soalnya fb sepi, twit juga sepi.
Padahal disini juga sepi sih. Berharap ada blogger yang YL dan aktif terus di blognya.
Daripada cerita beginian yang udah gak karuan mendingan kita liat hammy-hammy kecilku yang kawaii~
Setelah melakukan sensus penduduk , Hehe.
Ada 6 hamster jantan dan 2 hamster betina yang dibesarkan oleh Mommy Yuki di kandang 3.
Saya masih menunggu hamster dikandang 2 cukup umur untuk di sensus bersama sang Mama Ichi.
Seperti biasa , dikandang 1 sering dihiasi dengan duel penyakar dan penggigit yang dijuarai oleh juara bertahan sang Bukki . Sementara 2 hamster lainnya, sang Immi dan Jitsu selalu kalah melawan Bukki.
Sekian minna~
besok kalo mood aku post lagi.
Jyaa, Itekimasu!
Sayounara. ^o^
Monday, June 28, 2010
My Blog (2010.06.28) - Say Ganbatte!!
Konban wa...
Aduh, aduh ...
Parah !
Mau tau parahnya kenapa?
Saya kalah dari musuh bebuyutan saya sendiri!!!
Oh~ No!!!!!
Si Hoek itu ngeselin amat sih.
Aduh , congrats buat Vira-Chan dan si Hoek-San itu.
Say Ganbatte for me!!!
Itekimasu!! :)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
My Blog (2010.06.27) - HOLIDAYS IN THE SUN
Happy Sunday.
Sore di hari minggu ini , masih menunggu rilisnya album ke-lima YUI yaitu, HOLIDAYS IN THE SUN.
Gak berubah , cuma ada Please Stay With Me, dan preview dari juga Parade yang sangat saya suka.
By the way, kalo diliat-liat itu mirip sama Again deh . Kalo Parade mirip sama Summer Song.
Tapi tetap saja saya suka Parade! Huahahaha~...= =" *lebay*
Kira-kira masih 2 minggu lebih 3 hari lagi !
Lama juga ya~
Sabar lah, orang sabar disayang YUI . = =" *gubrrakk*
Pengen denger juga YUI yang Cinnamon, Shake My Heart, Driving Happy Life, Kiss Me ,sama yang I do it.
Ngomong-ngomong "I do it" itu bukan yang lagunya STEREOPONY kan? *confused* = =a
Yah pokoknya semua saya tunggu !
Oke sudah ! Cukup sampai disini.
Itekimasu! ^o^
Friday, June 25, 2010
"Bincang-Bincang Gaje"
Minna,Minna . Ogenki desuka?
ketemu lagi sama saya yang gaje ini dalam acara "Bincang-Bincang Gaje"
Sorry kalau hari ini agak *OOT* alias Out Of Topic.
Pengen tanya-tanya nih sama YUILovers. Tapi gak tau mau nanya apaan . *pletak*
Nyanyi-Nyanyi gaje aja deh.
"aitai to ieba mata kurushimete shimau,namida afureru no ni my love,surechigau.tabi ni itoshikunatteyuku,Please stay with me..."
ngomong-ngomong itu lagu siapa ya? *plakk(dilempar mesin foto kopi sama YL)*
Sekali lagi saya minta maaf, karena memang topik hari ini adalah "GAJE SYNDROME"
*tuh kan? gaje lagi*
Hari ini saya akan memberi tips untuk menghilangkan "Gaje Syndrome" yang udah parah kaya saya.
Dijamin nanti bakalan sembuh kaya saya. *makin sembuh atau makin gaje*
Udah,udah ... to the point aja .
Nih Tipsnya :
Mana ya tadi tipsnya. Aduh lupa deh. *plaaakk*
Akhirnya setelah mencari selama 34 Tahun , saya menemukan tipsnya. (= =")
Tipsnya adalaahhh.............................................................
"Dengerin Lagu YUI"
"Banyak-banyak lah ngomong sama orang Gaje"
(nah lo? bukannya makin gaje ya?)
tentu tidak makin gaje, buktinya saya gak gaje tuh. *bohong banget*
(udah itu doang tipsnya?)
Ya iyalah, kalo bukan itu doang mah ane lanjutin kali.
Oke Lanjut!!!
Hari ini kita kedatangan bintang tamu , yaitu BlaBla-Chan *siapa tuh?*
mari kita berbincang-bincang dengan Blabla-Chan
"Yak, Cukup! Pembaca yang setia , tadi kita berbincang-bincang dengan bahasa blabla..." *emang ada?*
"...Sekian Pembaca , Sampai Jumpa di Bincang-Bincang Gaje selanjutnya! Itekimasu!"
"lalalalalala~ lalalalala~ tralala~ trilili~ ... lalala~" *musik penutup*
= ="a
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
(秋山 澪 Akiyama Mio,)
Seiyuu:Yoko Hikasa
Mio is a shy girl in the light music club who plays a left-handed, 3-Color Sunburst Fender Jazz Bass with an attached pickguard made out of tortoiseshell. She originally intended to join the literary club, but was forced into the light music club by her childhood friend and the club's drummer, Ritsu. She gets excellent grades in school, but is bad with listening to stories involving painful experiences, and cowers whenever something gross is brought up. While she can be mature and strict sometimes, she gets embarrased easily, and is often subject to teasing from Ritsu and Sawako, their club adviser. She cites that she chose bass since it is not the center of attention in the band, unlike the guitarist, though being the main vocalist somewhat negates this. Mio is more technical when it comes to music, and Yui often comes to her when she is in need of more guitar tutorials. She is the main vocalist in the group and also writes the songs, although they feature some odd lyrics like ''Light and Fluffy Time''. She is left-handed and is fascinated by other left-handed bass guitar players. Due to an unexpected accident in one of their live performances, and fan club for her is then formed, much to her dismay considering the circumstances surrounding it, whose founding member is the former student council president, who also stalks Mio.
(平沢 唯, Hirasawa Yui)
Seiyuu: Aki Toyosaki
Yui is the main character of K-On!. She is one of the members of the light music club, and plays a Cherry Sunburst Gibson Les Paul Standard electric guitar that she nicknames ''Giita''. She does not get good grades in school and is easily distracted by trivialities. Yui is clumsy and easily spaces out most of the time. She takes a huge liking for any kind of food, but admits that she does not gain any weight. She has her younger sister Ui to take care of her and keep herself in line. She has a very easy-going nature, but has incredible concentration when hyped, though this is only limited to one subject at a time. She will totally neglect any other things in the process, to the point of forgetting anything she has learned beforehand. Despite all of this, Yui is still devoted to her band and will practice hard enough for the club. She has perfect pitch and is one of the group's vocalists, although she is known to forget her lyrics in mid-performance, as well as overdoing things, making her unable to perform sometimes.
Seiyuu:Minako Kotobuki
Tsumugi, also known as Mugi, is a wealthy girl with a gentle and sweet personality. She is the third member of the light music club and plays the keyboard. Tsumugi has been playing the piano since she was four and has won various piano contests. She is the daughter of a company president, and her family has several villas in various places around Japan. When Yui goes to buy her guitar, Tsumugi is successfully able to drive down the price. She brings sweets and tea frequently and keeps a tea set at the club room. She originally intends to join the choir club, but joins the light music club instead since she would rather be "friends with fun people that you don't meet often".
(中野 梓Azusa Nakano)
Seiyuu: Ayana Taketatsu
Azusa is a new student who joins the light music club and plays a Fender Mustang electric guitar but she is also in possession of a Gibson Les Paul Custom 50th Anniversary Gold Top (as seen in episode 13). A self-proclaimed novice guitarist who has been playing the guitar since the fourth grade and whose parents are working in a jazz band. She is in the same year and class as Ui and has quite a mysterious demeanor. She often finds herself bewildered by the tea parties and cosplaying aspects of the club, when she would rather just practice and is curious on how the club is able to play so well despite their problems and lack of practice. However, she has a certain weakness for cakes and can be calmed down rather easily, sometimes by just being petted. She could be described in part as a tsundere. She is constantly hugged by Yui and is nicknamed Azu-nyan after trying on a pair of cat ears and meowing. In the band, she looks up to Mio the most due to her maturity and the fact that she is an experienced bassist. Since joining, Yui comes to her for advice on playing guitar, as well as maintenance.
(田井中 律 Tainaka Ritsu)
Seiyuu:Satomi Satou
Ritsu, or Ricchan, as nicknamed by Yui, is the president of the light music club and plays a yellow Yamaha Hipgig Drumset. She has an ambiguous yet upbeat personality, and often has trouble remembering important club activities and announcements, and gets constantly yelled at by Nodoka for forgetting to send in important forms. Ritsu is cheerful, often likes making jokes and is sarcastic most of the time. She usually brainstorms for ideas to earn more money and for the club's success. She says she chose to play the drums because they are "cool", but in reality, she has trouble playing instruments which involve intricate finger movements, such as the bass, guitar and keyboard. She is a childhood friend of Mio and will often tease her whenever she is cowering from something and has the opportunity to do so. Ritsu is always on the go and will stop at nothing for the success of the light music club.
Jyaa Nee!
~Waiting June 2nd -to Mother released- ^_^~
to me? why? sono te wo hanashite
tonight tonight tonight
get away motesou na hito ne?
awai awai kowai
murasaki iro ni hikaru easylight
suki ni narenai madogarasu no mukou
rainy blue
fun fun la la love...
fun fun love?
zenzen najimenai mama
atashi wa reisei ni naru
gomen ne sayonara
run away ukareta hito ne
tonight tonight tonight
bachigai mayoikonda no
itai? itai itai
sagashi mono wa nani?
hitori easy driver
kidzukarenai you ni
doa wo aketemiru closing time
fun fun la la love...
fun fun love?
I can't change I can't stop
yoake wo mattemiru hodo
sunao de mo nai
kyou wo iyasu tame no jikan na no?
ki ni naru no? yorimichi wa dekinai
fun fun la la love...
fun fun love?
zenzen najimenai mama
atashi wa reisei ni naru
fun fun la la love...
fun fun love?
I can't change I can't stop
yoake wo machi kirenai no
gomen ne sayonara
Monday, April 19, 2010
to Mother
datte anata itta janai
namidagoe utsumuita mama
uso mo tsukenakunattara
ikite yukenakunaruyo to
aisarete itai to omou kara
donna itami datte
waratte miseta ah ah
kanashimi tte
atashi hitori dake nara
kotaerareru no ni
yasashisa tte
zankoku yo ne?
kokoro made
midareru mono
zutto isshoni itai kedo
kirai na toko ga fueru hibi
nitamono doushi nanda yo ne?
wakaru you na ki mo shitteru
aishiaeru hito ga dekita no
sonna hi ga kureba
kawareru kana ah ah
shiawase tte
mahou mitai ni
kagaya itekurenai kedo
nikushimi tte
sasai na surechigai deshou?
taka ga unmei nante
kaete yukerun datte
uchi wo tobidashite yoru ni naita
dare mo inai kouen no benchi de
mukae ni kitekureru no wo matteita
kanashimi tte
yorisoeba toko to naku
yasashisa tte
soba ni areba fu to
amaete shimau mono
shiawase yo
anata ga
itan dakara
1. to Mother
2. Tonight
3. GLORIA ~YUI Acoustic Version~
4. to Mother ~Instrumental~
YUI new single "to Mother" was announced to release on February 6.
The title track of this work in 2010 and second piece, the numbers are impressive sound of the piano. YUI is "more of a chance these days that let me sing songs and cheer, this time, I was not thinking about writing my own thing, and cherish" more "to translate a title, the mother 』to be a mother, of course, in a broad sense, for everyone who would listen, seems』 great if you could listen to those feelings and feel repeatedly, "and comments are received.
The single is available in two forms of the Limited Edition and Regular Edition, the Limited Edition comes with a DVD. Details will be announced later.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
YUI Diary (2010.03.31) オモシロクナ~ル!
YUI Diary (2010.03.21)
Is probably empty, you know! (laugh)
Good evening!
Is everyone doing OK?
Today the weather was nice, and it felt good.
Recently, we’ve been doing a lot of recording!
The meaning of the rather abrupt title. if you are unsure,
since there are many things that come to mind,
There is a hint in the Staff Diary.
If you are interested, please take a look!
1st page: Feels like random scribbling.
2nd page: I was also like “????” when I saw it.
I must have unconsciously written that,
mysterious, but it can’t be helped~.
Furthermore, Naoki Sweets is amazing for being able to find this!
On this day, since I don’t remember running out to eat right away,
I wonder if just the one character could represent a simple
feeling of a “hunger for music”!
this is the kind of thing I do~ (not a good translation, but the closest I could get)
But, whatever, it doesn’t really matter! (laugh)
Let’s proceed relaxed and happy! (yurui literally means “loose/lenient”. I think she means laid back, not rushed….MAI PAASU)
dewa dewa,
Adeshoku (adieu+shoku) (shoku = meal)
P.S. “Icchi’s feeling” (“Guard Dog Feeling” (laugh)) picture and
What he brought in the day that Naoki Sweets-san overslept for the first time, sweet Sweets.